Through CaSToRC, academia and industry can access resources of HPC Systems hosted by The Cyprus Institute.

Two type of Calls for Proposals are available.

Preparatory access is for projects whose software codes require porting, scalability testing, development or specialised assistance. Applications can be submitted at any time, and these projects undergo only a light technical review and receive a small amount of resources. More details can be found here.

Production access is for projects that satisfy research and innovation purposes. These projects undergo a full technical and scientific review. There are 2 calls for proposals per year with published opening and closing dates. More details can be found here.

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PRACE Calls for Computational Access

Project Access is the access to PRACE Tier-0 world class high performance computing (HPC) resources for projects, which use codes that have been previously tested and have demonstrated high scalability and optimisation.

The objective of PRACE Preparatory Access is to allow PRACE users to optimise, scale and test codes on PRACE Tier-0 systems before applying to PRACE calls for Project Access. Production runs are not allowed as part of PRACE Preparatory Access.

The PRACE Distributed European Computing Initiative (DECI) programme provides access to Tier-1 level resources across Europe via a series of competitive calls.