Introducing the Industry Program

In today’s data driven world, High Performance Computing (HPC) has been increasingly used by organisations and companies as the go-to platform for collecting and analysing big volumes of data. The analysis of such big and complex datasets is necessary to gain deeper insights of the available data. Enabling organisations and companies access and efficiently use HPC systems is of paramount importance for their digital transformation and their competitiveness.

The Cyprus National Competence Centre (NCC) in High Performance Computing (HPC), is engaged in the transition of the island to the new digital era by hosting the fastest supercomputer in Cyprus, and helping the scientific and business communities use it efficiently.

The NCC is introducing the Industry Program to help the industrial and governmental sector in Cyprus increase their innovation potential, efficiency, expertise and competitiveness by the development of novel, digital and cutting-edge technologies: Computational Simulations, Big-Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. The NCC can help SMEs, startups and government organisations fast-track their uptake of these techologies, by overcoming the traning and cost barriers in using HPC and related technologies.

Under this program participants from industry and government can work together with the scientists of NCC team and get support for their projects.

Interested in starting a project with us?

Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., expressing your interest in a joint project with us.

Computational engineering applications
The SimEA project

Computational engineering is an essential component in research that can not only benefit the academic and industrial world but also be the bridge that will cover the gap and bring collaborations that can move science and society many steps forward. The SimEA project aims to promote research that is compatible with the Smart Specialization Strategy of Cyprus (S3Cy) as well as with the current trends in research and compatible with the industry needs in Cyprus.

The SimEA ERA-chair brings the know-how and leadership to add the missing component of computational engineering in CaSToRC and to utilize and upgrade the existing infrastructure to tackle modern research problems by employing both human and technological means to create a sustainable project that will surpass its current lifespan and to establish itself as a valuable asset to the Cypriot society and academia.


How will CaSToRC help Industry in Cyprus?
